Reopening this tumblr for 2 special occasions ! The first one is : a gif exhibition !
Nicolas Frespech, French net art early practitioner, asked me to select among almost 50 art students’ gif creations my favorites. So here there are, and kudos to Lyon’s art students <3.
The Mental Abstract Award
Ok, Antoine, Jean-Baptiste, it’s not because you get the Abstract awards that you are not weird. I’m guessing you sniffed too much Tom Moody.
Also :
Me too, Adriane, me too.
The French History Award
Carine, this has to be a reenactement of a famous French historical event, probably a dramatic scene of decision-taking among important people on a balcony, right ?
The Origin Of The World Award
Julia and Romain, you know what’s important in life. Please get married.
The Web Nostalgia Award
Because you know, Kobas, that rotten.com and the BME used to be hot on the early 2000’s Web.
And Axelle shows that our pre-Internet ancestors already wanted to conduct some weird body-mod experiments
The Just Lol Award
… goes to you, Tiphanie.
And everybody else gets a WTF Award ; I can’t decode your message but I am sure someone on the Web will understand eventually.
Right, Valentine ?